
Opening of the call for contributions: July 1, 2018

Opening of registrations: July 1, 2018

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Poster Awards 2019

Hélène MOUSTACAS « Enrichissement d’une cinématique poutre : Applications aux textiles en carbone » DegreeAbstract, thematic: Mécanique de contact, interface

Thibaut HIRSCHLER « Un modèle isogéométrique aux discrétisations non-conformes pour la conception optimale des structures raidies » Degree,  Abstract, thematic: Optimisation


The Structural Calculation and Modeling Association (CSMA) federates the French community of the calculation of the structures and organizes every two years since 1993 on the peninsula of Giens, in Var, the national conference in calculation of the structures.

This symposium brings together researchers, theoreticians, numericians, software developers and industrialists to make the state of the art on the major axes and emerging themes of the field.

The presentations will take place in the context of thematic sessions and specific symposia. Papers will be presented orally or by poster.

Registration will begin in the morning of May 13, 2019 and te conference will begin around 01:00 PM

CSMA 2019 Themes

  • Statique et dynamique des structures :

Poutres, plaques, coques, structures composites, structures du génie civil, instabilités, vibrations des structures, dynamique non linéaire, dynamique rapide, vibro-acoustique, nanosystèmes.

  • Durée de vie des structures :

Rupture, fissuration, fatigue, endommagement…

  • Mécanique du contact, interface :

Frottements, couches minces, méthodes et modèles pour le contact, interfaces imparfaites.

  • Méthodes numériques :

Techniques de résolution et de discrétisation, réduction de modèles, couplage de modèles, méthodes multi‐échelles, incertitudes, X-FEM, data sciences pour la mécanique.

  • Optimisation :

Optimisation topologique, conception.

  • Biomécanique et ingénierie du vivant :

Biomatériaux, biomimétisme.

  • Modèles et comportement des matériaux :

Plasticité, viscoélasticité, viscoplasticité, endommagement, instabilités, méthodes multi-échelles, couplages multi‐physiques, identification, méthodes inverses.

  • Procédés de fabrication :  

Fabrication additive, mise en forme, usinage, soudage.


3e Workshop CSMA Juniors 11-13 mai 2019

The CSMA Juniors section of young CSMA researchers will organize its 3rd Workshop before the 14th National Symposium on Structural Design. It will take place this year in the IGESA center located on the island of Porquerolles, and on two days (Saturday 11/05 noon to Monday 13/05 noon).

As usual, the workshop will be a place of privileged exchanges and will propose useful and unpublished activities for the younger generation of the CSMA. The program will include, in a similar way to what was proposed in 2017, a set of mini-courses (theoretical part + digital implementation) related to the 6 themes of the CSMA congress. It will include new activities such as:

  • an information session on file editing for the allocation of hours on supercomputers (GENCI)
  • a preparation session for the "My thesis in 180 s" competition
  • a brainstorming activity around data science (machine learning, ...)
  • a code optimization session (following the hackathon which had a great success during the 2017 Workshop)

The younger generation (

For more information on the activities of the CSMA Juniors section: http://csma.asso.univ-lorraine.fr/csma-juniors/

Since Friday, February 15, 2019, it is no longer possible to register for this session.

Software session

The 14th edition of the conference will feature the now traditional Wednesday night software session. This is the perfect opportunity to present your new software developments (whether open source or commercial) to the French structural calculation community.
A demonstration area for the Wednesday evening session is available for participants to present their software.

The presentation at the software session requires a complete registration that includes access to conferences, proceedings of the conference, accommodation and full board (Monday midday to Friday noon), coffee breaks, banquet Thursday night and the boat trip to Porquerolles.

>> For the software session only, the abstract submission is open until the end of April 2019.

Download the style file to use for the summary available here (WordOpenOffice et LaTeX).

As long as the submission in general session is open, use the filing interface under the theme "Software Session" to transmit your summary. After the closing date and until the end of December, send your abstract directly by e-mail to the managers of the software session: csma2019-logiciels@sciencesconf.org.

Acceptance will be based on both the technical quality of the abstract, the innovative aspects put forward and the interest for the structural calculation community.
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